How To Choose A Healthy Betta Fish FromThe Local Pet Shop
You should check what the surrounding environment is like: Examine the jars the Bettas are being kept in. See if the water is clean and clear in appearance, and with no traces of leftover food or too much excrement.
Check and see that there's no bad odors coming from the jar. Sometimes bad odors come from dead fish. Next thing you should do is carefully and thoroughly inspect the Betta fish.
Next, check its body: The Betta should be free and clear of any type of lumps or unusual shaped bumps. its scales should be flat in appearance.
Healthy Bettas Scales Are smooth
Look for fish with missing and loose scales letting you know of any trauma and illness it may have suffered. Look for white colored patches on its body which could indicate a serious fungus infection. See if its stomach is swollen. These symstems oftentimes indicate that the Betta is not healthy and well.
What About The Bettas Fins And Gills
Check that there should be no type of discoloration, body tears or noticeable holes when its fins are fully extended. Sometimes it can hard to check properly because in the tiny bag used by pet stores it's difficult for the Betta fish to extend its fins.
Nevertheless Betta fins can get broken or torn because of the fact that they are mostly kept for long periods of time in jars usually too small for there needs. When a Betta fish swims about their protruding fins can brush-up against the container walls and can break.
You should also look carefully at the Bettas gills that they look smooth and almost flat in appearance showing no signs of splitting and peeling. Make sure there's no unsightly lumps or body discoloration.
Checking For Color Discoloration
Healthy siamese fighting fish are beautifully and bright colored and have no signs of discoloration. Whereas unhealthy Bettas tend to take on a pale appearance displaying spots and shades of discoloration usually seen along their body or on their actual face.
Examine the Bettas eyes: A truly healthy Betta will display very clear eyes. You shouldn't purcahse any Betta fish whose eyes appear either sunken or over bulging.
Checking A Bettas Behavior
Bettas are usually very active and should float upright, unless they're sleeping. Slowly bring the fingers of your hand close to your Betta pet to make sure that it's alive and alert.
Please NEVER startle a Betta fish by jabbing your finger into its bag in which the Betta is stored, or by constant tapping on its bowl. Instead move one of your fingers slowly toward the Betta fish and watch for its reaction.
Try and be gentle and a bit subtle so that the Betta fish isn't traumatized at all. Remember, a strong and healthy Betta is active and alert and will instantly react in one way or another to your movement if detected, although your Betta fish may not always respond by flaring its fins.
You should check what the surrounding environment is like: Examine the jars the Bettas are being kept in. See if the water is clean and clear in appearance, and with no traces of leftover food or too much excrement.

Next, check its body: The Betta should be free and clear of any type of lumps or unusual shaped bumps. its scales should be flat in appearance.
Healthy Bettas Scales Are smooth
Look for fish with missing and loose scales letting you know of any trauma and illness it may have suffered. Look for white colored patches on its body which could indicate a serious fungus infection. See if its stomach is swollen. These symstems oftentimes indicate that the Betta is not healthy and well.
What About The Bettas Fins And Gills
Check that there should be no type of discoloration, body tears or noticeable holes when its fins are fully extended. Sometimes it can hard to check properly because in the tiny bag used by pet stores it's difficult for the Betta fish to extend its fins.
Nevertheless Betta fins can get broken or torn because of the fact that they are mostly kept for long periods of time in jars usually too small for there needs. When a Betta fish swims about their protruding fins can brush-up against the container walls and can break.
You should also look carefully at the Bettas gills that they look smooth and almost flat in appearance showing no signs of splitting and peeling. Make sure there's no unsightly lumps or body discoloration.
Checking For Color Discoloration
Healthy siamese fighting fish are beautifully and bright colored and have no signs of discoloration. Whereas unhealthy Bettas tend to take on a pale appearance displaying spots and shades of discoloration usually seen along their body or on their actual face.
Examine the Bettas eyes: A truly healthy Betta will display very clear eyes. You shouldn't purcahse any Betta fish whose eyes appear either sunken or over bulging.
Checking A Bettas Behavior
Bettas are usually very active and should float upright, unless they're sleeping. Slowly bring the fingers of your hand close to your Betta pet to make sure that it's alive and alert.
Please NEVER startle a Betta fish by jabbing your finger into its bag in which the Betta is stored, or by constant tapping on its bowl. Instead move one of your fingers slowly toward the Betta fish and watch for its reaction.
Try and be gentle and a bit subtle so that the Betta fish isn't traumatized at all. Remember, a strong and healthy Betta is active and alert and will instantly react in one way or another to your movement if detected, although your Betta fish may not always respond by flaring its fins.